Your Web. Your Window.


  • on March 17, 2013 -

Your Web. Your Window.

photo web window

Your website is the window to your company. The first place I go if I want to check out a company is their Web site. I am sure it is what you probably do too.

The Web site today is crucial for giving the first impression. The site portrays the brand and gives an image of the company as well as delivering information about the company, of course.

Personally, I find myself leaving sites that are out of date or complex to navigate.

The experience should be easy and intuitive, teasing the visitor to want more and to click again. Information should be kept fresh and up

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to date.

The messaging, imagery and branding on the Web should be consistent with other materials.

Visitors are fickle. They will make the decision to stay or leave your website in less than three seconds—are you confident your site will pass the test?

Have a quick look at your web to ensure: –

If you have doubts about any of the above points, I recommend a Web overhaul. The Web is such a valuable and powerful tool when used right. It is the window to your Company. Make sure it appeals to your audience, draws them in and sells you as best it can.

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