As you may know I do a lot of exercise and yoga. I also incorporate exercise, yoga and meditation principles in my PR consulting with the objective of stimulating work life balance.
So, at the risk of sounding a little “fluffy” I want to share
a breathing exercise, a recipe for calm, which brings peace to stressful moments. Lets face it we all face challenges and worries at work. What can be the downside to trying?
So, if you feel any kind of negative energy at any time: – annoyances, anger, sadness, tiredness, stress, emptiness, worry – don’t block it. You are not alone.
Many people all over the planet are experiencing the same emotion, at exactly the same time. Think of them instead of yourself.
Recipe for calm
Take a deep breath while thinking about your feeling while also thinking of all the others, millions of others, experiencing the same emotion. Then, as you exhale, wish them comfort with their emotion.
Blow your wishes of well-being to others on our planet. Repeat this a few times until you feel calmness returning to your body.
Repeat with any other emotions that appear.
Very simple. Very calming.
Let me know if you try this with success