Pick Up The Phone


  • on January 16, 2016 -

Pick Up The Phone

photo phone

It is Saturday morning and I check my emails. There is one from my husband. My immediate reaction is to write back – even if I am upstairs in the bedroom and he is downstairs in the kitchen.

How bizarre is that?

Digitization has had a big impact on the world – both in business and in our private lives . Everything is so instantaneous. We click a button to reply to an SMS or an email, and communicate with friends via

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social media.

Sure, this is practical. But perhaps we are missing out on the value of talking and meeting more often.

Last week I decided to change my behavior. Instead of simply communicating via written email, I picked up the phone and talked to people. Not only was it efficient, it was pleasant.

I was able to communicate far more effectively, plus the two way dialogue was appreciated – both by me and the recipient of my call.

Next challenge – actually meet people more often.

I am interested in feedback. Given a choice of email or the personal touch – do you find using the phone more efficient and friendly? What about meeting people?


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