I meet many CEO’s who do not participate in social media. They say they don’t have time, plus they are “shy” of it.
Don’t be!
Social media is very valuable for your company and your brand and will continue to be so. A recent CEO Survey says that more than 82% of respondents are likely, or much more likely, to trust a company whose CEO and team engage in social media.
For tips on getting started, ask me!
Below I share a very interesting article that I read in Harvard Business Review Magazine regarding CEO’s and social media.
“For CEOs who are trying to decide whether participating in social media is worth their time, there’s new research that could help tip the balance.
The new report from CEO.com and business intelligence firm DOMO
notes that social media is more pervasive than ever among consumers: 50% of the population currently uses Facebook, and more than 37% use Twitter. Yet among Fortune 500 CEOs, the report says, only 7.6% are present on Facebook, only 4% use Twitter, and less than 1% use Google Plus. LinkedIn is the only social network where CEOs are slightly ahead of the general populace, the study concludes: Twenty-six percent of CEOs surveyed use LinkedIn, compared to 20.15% of the population at large.
However, another recent report shows CEOs’ reluctance may be changing: When IBM recently surveyed 1,709 CEOs, it found just 16% currently participating in social media. However the study predicts the percentage will likely grow to 57% within 5 years — and, in fact, social media will become one of the two most important forms of engagement with employees and customers, second only to face to face interactions.
Why the change? Corporate leaders — and especially large company CEOs — are finally realizing what their employees and customers already know: That using social technologies to engage with customers, suppliers, and even with their own employees enables their companies to be more adaptive and agile.
This is a principle we take to heart at our own company, Fishbowl, as well. For example, we maintain a Facebook group for our customers of our inventory control software that allows them to interface directly with our engineers. This allows customers to send complaints, praise, ideas and requests for new features to our programmers through a forum the entire world can see. We also make it a practice to share our competitors’ information freely and to praise their successes as well as our own.
In many respects, social media is becoming the “universal university” that allows all of us to learn from each other through comments, feedback and spirited dialogues, even when we may not agree.
As leaders, we see social media as a way to obtain contacts that would cost far more money (and perhaps be far less engaged) if we were trying to simply purchase all of our leads through PPC ads. For us, that indicates a positive Return on Investment.
Consider one more piece of recent research: The BRANDFog 2012 CEO Survey says more than 82% of respondents are likely or much more likely to trust a company whose CEO and team engage in social media. The study also reports that 77% of respondents are likely or much more willing to buy from a company whose mission and values are defined through their leaderships’ involvement in social media.
Clearly social media is becoming vital for business; however, the biggest rewards are available for companies whose commitment to social media comes from the top. Regardless the size of your organization, why would any company want to let such a strong potential competitive advantage go?
The original article is here.