It is funny, but I can still remember the smell of my biology text book – a smell I associate with “boring”!
In my day we had to learn primarily from text books. We also had to go to the library to study – Google and the internet did not exist.
I am sure many of you have experienced the same thing, and lets face it, we are not that old – the internet is fairly recent!
Earlier this week I helped to launch of a whole new way of learning called The 3D Classroom (see my earlier blog), an initiative by Swedish company Sensavis together with teachers and professors.
By using interactive, real-time 3D, one can experience the subject matter, drive through it, and look at it from macro to micro level as if it were right there, for real. Imagine the difference this will make to learning, especially the complex subjects like quantum mechanics, shown in my image above!
I felt truly inspired to go back to school – this is fun, quite different to text books we had.
It is for students of all ages. Today
there are modules for The human body, by
year end there will also be modules in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and more.
There are a number of video clips on the web, but to really experience the added effect of the 3D you need to see it live, in 3D, and steer through the content yourself. Here is one clip showing the interactivity.
I declare an association with Sensavis as my husband is CEO, however, the views I express are my personal beliefs.
photo credit: <a href=””>travestyalpha</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>