10 Elements of a Public Relations Plan


  • on October 31, 2012 -

10 Elements of a Public Relations Plan



Part of my job, of course, involves reviewing and creating Public Relations plans for my clients. I am often asked what elements to include. The attached may help you in creating yours.

NOTE: This 10-step plan should begin after analysis of the situation, definition of desired positioning, mission and vision.

1) Goals:

  • I usually like to define one overriding goal with three sub goals. These should be consistent with the management goals and mission

2) Target Audience

  • The audience that needs to understand or hear the message.
  • Usually includes audiences such as: – employees, customers, shareholders, analysts, media, Government bodies etc.

3) Key Messages

  • Define three key messages. Each message may have sub-messages, but keep the primary number to three. People remember three things!

4) Objectives for those audiences – what you want to achieve

  • Consider the action, attitude or awareness desired from the audiences. Use words such as:- accept, approve, support, buy, oppose etc.
  • Specific results – audience, desired outcome, measurement, time frame. For example – after three months 85% of shareholders will have accepted the new share offer.

5) Strategies

  • Put simply, this is a description of how to achieve the objectives – how to get the message across.
  • There will most likely be several strategies for each objective

6) Tactics

7) Measurement

  • Measurement, observation, opinion, feedback. Very important to have a measurement system.

8) Budget

  • Out of pocket, staff cost, retainer or by the hour

9) Timetable and responsibilities

  • Who will do what by when

10) Review

  • Set a date for review. Objectives change over time, as do the messages.

For more information, and for more articles I have written, go back to the website

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